Friday, 20 April 2012

Contexts where Muslim dress arecovered:Inner class is shown in Muslims by their clothing, as Islam has maintained somerequisites for clothing, but there are no specific notions for it. May be Muslim dress is out dated but itdescribes the values and decency of the Muslim religion. Islamic clothing isdescribed in the two main contexts: Firstly, the clothes for regular use whichmeans outside and inside the house and secondly, clothes for religious sessionsand convictions. These contexts are decided on the basis of two sources viz theQur’an and the Prophet Muhammad. Both contexts cover the entire Muslim religionin it.            Muslim dress is meant to be worn with completion of certainrequisites. The requisites speak that: Muslimdress should cover almost all body parts. Women can only show their handsand face. Men should at least cover the portion from navel to the knee. Muslim dress should be loose not beingtight; your figure should not be seen. Modesty and dignity should be revealedby ones overall visual aspect. Fabric of the cloth should be very thick andshould not confidant others. Last but not the least, Muslim dress should be decent.            Let’s now talk about styles,colors and terminology of Muslim dress.An ample of variety is available if we say about the style and colors.Terminology depends upon the style of clothes you wear. Political issues havealso been created because of some women. It is a subject and element ofdisceptation. Although having some requisites Muslim dress is not restrictive. It maintains both modernism andtradition. Clothing in Islam has very modest aspects. Modern aspects includevisual aspect, speech, manners and behavior in public. Thus people should enjoytheir life and continue in their walks of life keeping in mind the requisites.

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